Water consumption simulator
Choose a country

Selected country :

Autriche 0.00493 0.01366 305.6000
Belgique 0.00611 0.02727 246.6714
Bulgarie 0.00177 0.00690 654.5286
Croatie 0.00265 0.00804 0
Chypre 0.00240 0.01122 1314.0000
République_Tchèque 0.00459 0.01209 731.6714
Danemark 0.00921 0.02092 230
Estonie 0.00315 0.00826 473.5714
Finlande 0.00589 0.01297 158.3286
France 0.00446 0.01326 113.7143
Allemagne 0.00576 0.02905 642.3857
Grèce 0.00202 0.00895 606.5429
Hongrie 0.00307 0.00750 403.9286
Irlande 0.00160 0.01158 494.4714
Italie 0.00302 0.02019 481.4286
Lettonie 0.00296 0.00884 342.1429
Lituanie 0.00320 0.00909 278.2143
Luxembourg 0.00651 0.01472 278.2143
Malte 0.00309 0.00840 0
Hollande 0.00483 0.02792 427.8571
Pologne 0.00322 0.00932 1124
Portugal 0.00294 0.01171 271.1429
Roumanie 0.00224 0.00827 513.2143
Slovaquie 0.00323 0.01020 412.6143
Slovénie 0.00299 0.00898 352.3857
Espagne 0.00244 0.01827 256.9000
Suède 0.00456 0.01212 42.8571
Suisse 0.00551 0.01391 183.5714
Royaume Uni 0.00503 0.02436 322.5714
Type of house
House or apartment (50 m² max) House or apartment (50 m² max)
House or apartment (50 to 100m²) House or apartment (50 to 100m²)
House or apartment (100 to 150m²) House or apartment (100 to 150m²)
House (> 150m²) House (> 150m²)
Mixer type
44 Double command mixer
45 Single lever mixer
46 Thermostatic mixer
Age of the mixer
< 5 years
Between 5 and 10 years
Between 10 and 15 years
> 15 years
People at home
Savings with a thermostatic mixer per year :
Cold water savings in m3 per year :
CO₂ emissions savings per year :
Error, please try again
Annual expenses
Current situation With a thermostatic mixer Savings
Your choices

Our calculations are based on real data; however, please note that the provided results are purely informational and do not constitute a formal commitment.